Posting has been slow as I’ve been recovering from a bout of Covid I picked up on the way back from the SHOT show.
Steve Gutowski of The Reload was extremely busy this week with 4 articles (one for members only) highlighting major issues with the NRA. Steve is the only pro-second amendment reporter that reports on the NRA.
Steve’s lead article exclusively highlights that NRA Revenues have dropped by half since 2018 and that legal costs spiked in 2021. Legal fees were about 20% of the organizations spending in 2020. “The amount spent on lawyers was more than ten times the amount the NRA spent on programs aimed at education and training, competitive shooting, law enforcement, community engagement, the NRA Range, NRA Firearms Museum, and school security combined.”
Steve’s second article is on the continued NRA membership decline. The bottom line is, New members are not keeping up with existing members not renewing by about 100,000 members.
Steve’s third article is for subscribers only and highlights the drop in estate giving from $22.2M in 2020 to only $8.2M in 2021.
His 4th article points out that the NRA appears to be covering Wayne LaPierre’s personal legal costs - to the tune of over $1M in August alone.
For those who just want a summary, the indispensable NRA In Danger Blog has a great overview of Steve’s first 3 articles
As these articles point out, it is well past time for the NRA to shift from a defensive mindset to an offensive mindset. We need new blood on the board that protects our members’ rights by advancing them, not just defending them.
I ask for your support when the ballot for the NRA Board election comes in the next issue of your NRA magazine. Please vote ONLY for Frank C Tait. Jeff Knox has a great article on bullet voting.
I am the only candidate on the ballot from a petition of the members and committed to being a true independent director providing accountability and transparency to NRA members.
I also ask that you share this message and ask your fellow NRA members to support my candidacy by only voting for board candidates that are committed to reforming the NRA.