Judge Cohen of the NY Court held a hearing today on Rocky Marshall’s motion to intervene in the NY AG case and he denied the motion.
His reasoning is that, while he values the input on the matter from the intervenors, it is denied. It would be distracting to the timely completion of this case to allow intervention at this time
Timeliness - he is not relying on this in part due to the delays from the NRA Bankruptcy.
Standing - as a former director, Rocky lacks standing, while he was a Director when the intervention was filed, he is not a director today. He no longer has the status to bring the case. One part is that the Kenney case that said a Director maintains standing, was decided BEFORE the current version of the NY Non-Profit law was passed. Since the NY AG is already pursuing the NRA for malfeasance, Rocky’s motion would likely not result in a different result than would otherwise result. As a former director, Rocky falls into the same state that led to Mario Aguirre and my motion to be denied last year.
Rocky’s attorneys made the point that the NRA is being bled dry and that this helps achieve the NY AG’s intent of dissolving the NRA.
sad but at least someone is trying
It's so frustrating to see the corruption continue, yet feel powerless to stop it. Looks like the deck is stacked against us, but I haven't lost hope.