You're a glutton for punishment Frank but I appreciate all you do to keep us informed about the goings on at the board meetings. Like many others I have withdrawn my financial support until WLP and the current board are gone. I hope some day others will be able to pick up the remaining worthwhile pieces and continue.

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What a disappointment. Yet so expected from the NRA. The current Board has lost all semblance of being a governing body driven by the needs of the membership and the overarching principles of support for 2A issues and training in the fundamentals of safe firearms handling and ownership. The current Board has turned the NRA into a sad joke. They see the NRA as their own little tool to feed their sense of entitlement and self-enrichment/self-aggrandizement. The reality is that we need Frank Tait and others like him to get on the Board and drive change from within. Stay dedicated, Frank. There are many of us who support you and all you stand for. Thank you.

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Sorry Frank

I will send nothing else to the nra until wlp and the current board are gone

My wife and I both are Benefactor members

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We need Frank, and others who share his vision. The rub is the machine will do everything it can to stop it. An incremental, relentless, "termite" approach is not without merit, is slow, but effective in most cases. Unfortunately, I'm all but resigned to the conclusion that big money, scorched earth approach is the only hope for the success.

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Waste matter only stinks for so long before it disintegrates into the ground as fertilizer. No one is immune to the wrath of God. Those that sit on their "High Horse" have a much steeper fall to the depths of hell. It is very disappointing and disturbing the extent the deception and deceit goes on and how little concern is shown for the real reason the NRA was ever formed.

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Such footsie being played by the NRA! I am grateful for your perseverance, Frank.

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Disappointed but not surprised. More fodder for the NY AG. At least you will continue to attend meetings re reports back to us. Thanks for all you are doing to support us and the 2A

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You know Frank there are times that things happen we don't like and don't understand, but in the overall scheme of things it turns out to be a much better thing than what we wanted. I'm not sure at this time with all the lying, thieving and back stabbing going on at the highest levels at the NRA you should be with them right now. Think about it, hopefully the time is short for all those folks and honesty and transparency will prevail. The NRA will then have an uphill battle to be an honor to represent. You really don't want to be just another turd to be flushed into the sewer system. Stay honest and strong, your time is coming.

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Thank you

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Please call me, Frank. 941-284-8553. Thanks, Lee

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