Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Thanks Frank, for all that you are doing to help improve a potentially great association. Don’t give up.

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I will persist

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Congratulations, Frank. I know that you’ll be a great addition to the board.

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Thank you!

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

I’m out until Wayne leaves, benefactor member. Sorry. Voting shortly.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Frank Tait

Any advice on the new election?

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

I hope you bring both reason and transparency to a fine organization. My thoughts are with you, as you embark on this noble journey.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Congratulations! Shake that board up!

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That’s the plan

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Congratulations, Frank! Thank you for your persistence. Please continue to fight the good fight to push for meaningful change to the direction of the NRA. We're behind you, bud.

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Thank you!

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Frank Tait

Frank, with the member meeting coming up and your term expiring will you be able to talk about your experiences?

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Yes I will be writing about my experiences once my term ends (within confidentiality constraints)

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Frank Tait

Thanks Frank. It’s been radio silence and since I bailed on social media I have to go looking for updates. Sad to see it still appears to be a s**t-show from the outside.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Prayers that you can fulfill your mission of restoring honor to the NRA.

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Thank You!

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

I am sorry for the passing of Dave however I am very grateful you have finally secured a seat on the board. There has been so much damage done to our organization I'm not sure if we can recover. I'm certain we won't as long as Wrongway Lapierre is the head of the NRA. You have my and my husband Jim's support as always. He has been a life member much longer than I. Hang in there, you are appreciated.

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Thank you!

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Congrats Frank, it’s good to have someone on the members side, hopefully you help other like minded people make it on to the board, will definitely try and make the Dallas meetings and finally get a chance to meet in person

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Thank you

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

When you joined the board, did you have to sign any NDAs?

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Not specifically but I am bound by the typical confidentiality provisions of being a board member.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Please try to explain the meaning and responsibilities of a “fiduciary” to the other board members.

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Here is an excellent article that summarizes fiduciary responsibility. https://www.boardeffect.com/blog/fiduciary-responsibilities-nonprofit-board-directors/

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Frank Tait

Please help get the BOD on the right track and force Wayne LaPierre, his squad of executives and the Directors who support them to step down or be removed. He served his purpose and "took us all to the cleaners".

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That is the plan

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Thank you!

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023

Can you recommend any current nominees?

Never mind.

I will follow the Jeff Knox recommendations.

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