I'm the Benefactor Life member and NRA Training Counselor that stood up at the 2019 and the 2020 NRAAM and put my name of the resolution calling out the improprieties that are not being addressed by the board and expressing No Confidence in the Audit, Executive and Finance committees of the board for their oversight and governance of the organization and calling for replacements of the EVP and Secretary.
To get the oversight that we are entitled to, we need new board members like Phil Justice and Rocky Marshall that are committed to being focused on our members, and our second amendment rights.
I am running on the agenda of protecting ALL of our second amendment rights and the positions outlined by Save the Second with these objectives:
Reduce the size of the board to a manageable level;
Term limits for board members;
Exercising appropriate oversight of management;
Refocus on LISTENING to the membership; and,
Get back to our roots of firearms training and education.
Why - to address items such as in this referenced lawsuit Dellaquila files Class Action Lawsuit and the actions by the New York Attorney General.
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Launched 4 years ago
Former NRA Board Member - Reforming the NRA Board of Directors - Term Limits, Smaller Board, Transparency and Accountability